Digital MediaLead GenerationMarketingSmart People

10 Techniques to Get Leads Online in 2017

By August 7, 2017 No Comments

You want to generate as many high-quality leads online as possible in 2017. However, you don’t want to blow your budget. It’s a balancing act for sure but it can be done. You can hit the ground running by using several simple but extremely effective inbound marketing strategies. To help, here are 10 proven techniques to get leads online in 2017.

(1) Content Marketing: Ignore all this talk about content shock. Granted, there’s a lot of content out there. However, all that means is that your content must be more focused on your buyer personas. Define who your customers are, what their concerns are and how you can address them. Consistently produce engaging content and you’ll generate more leads online.

(2) Digital Advertising: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a great way to generate leads. However, don’t make the common mistake of taking the least expensive keyword or keyword phrases. Yes, you’ll drive all kinds of traffic to your website, and you’ll save on your budget, but your bounce rates will skyrocket and your conversion rates will plummet. It does no good to drive all that traffic if it’s full of uninterested prospects.

(3) Webcasts and Podcasts: Webcasts and podcasts are fantastic ways to generate leads online. Everybody that subscribes is a lead. You can have a webcast or podcast on just about any topic of interest to your buyer personas. Make sure to have a question and answer period at the end. This is a great way to generate discussions and to get ideas on new topics to cover.

 (4) Engaging Videos on Video-Sharing Websites: Video-sharing websites like YouTube and Vimeo are great ways to reach your target audience. If you publish your own videos, then you can create your own links directly to your landing pages. You can even add your logo on YouTube videos. Finally, make it personal by contacting each of your YouTube followers.

(5) Social Media: LinkedIn: There is no better way to reach a business audience than through LinkedIn. You can create your own company page for free, add links directly to your website, add your most recent content pieces, and fill out an entire profile page about your company, its history, and the products and services you offer.

(6) Revamp Landing Pages: Identify your worst performing landing pages and update them. Start with the ones with the highest bounce rates. Reread your content and review your landing page’s layout. Identify any obvious flaws and revamp it entirely. Next, track the impact of the changes you’ve made and see if they increase your opportunity to win business.

(7)  Beef Up Existing Content: Focus on all your content pieces. They could be on your website, your blog, social media or any guest post you’ve created. Revamp them as well. If needed, add infographics, vivid images and some of those YouTube videos.

(8) Gated Content: Yes, prospects must fill out personal information and provide their email addresses before accessing your content. Yes, it limits how many people access that content. However, gated content on social media works because it ensures that the people who do provide that information are ones that are the most interested. These leads online may even be prequalified.

(9) Email Marketing: Email marketing works with existing clients, past clients, and new prospects. You can even separate email campaigns by customer segment or buyer persona. Use email marketing to keep your customers up-to-date with company news and market trends. It’s also a great tool for liquidating outdated inventory.

(10) Website Optimization: Finally, website optimization is an absolute must if you want to generate high-quality leads online. Make it easy for customers to contact you. Make it easy for them to find your products. Your website is the ultimate customer outreach tool. Make an impression and your conversion rates will increase.

Generating leads online doesn’t need to be complicated and it doesn’t have to break the bank. Keep it simple and concentrate on maximizing your returns with each of these 10 techniques.

Want to know more? Shoot us an email at and connect with #DavidCarpenter directly. 



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